Motherwell Tank Protection | latest News

Large Breather Valve Order, over 200 items

 Despite the slowdown in the economy, Motherwell Tank Protection are enjoying their best year ever!  Sales have been boosted by a 200+ valve order for a major European client.  The main driving factor to securing the project was the ability to complete such an order in an extremely short lead time.  This shows MTP’s flexibility and strong desire to meet customer requirements

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AD Plant Complements Beef Finishing Operation

Feb 16th 2023 John McIntosh told Farming Life that he uses feedstock from cattle slurry and silage, which is grown on the farm at Dunragit in south-west Scotland. ...

How Do Airliners Safely Store Fuel?

Jan 18th 2023 As well as this, due to aircraft flying where the outside air temperature is extremely cold, this temperature variation affects the pressure the fuel tank is put under, making a pressure relief valve an essential part of any aircraft....

Scottish Green Energy Plant To Produce Biogas

Dec 20th 2022 South Ayrshire Council granted permission for Grisson Carrick Ltd to install two 5,000m3 anaerobic digestion (AD) tanks, two feed intake tanks, a blending tank, and a process water tank to turn 20,000 tonnes of distillery by-product into gas....

How A Faulty Car Design Changed Fuel Tanks

Dec 16th 2022 The Ford Pinto was designed as an answer to the increased popularity of the Datsun 510, the Toyota Corolla and Ford’s own Cortina manufactured in Europe. It was designed exceptionally quickly, with a 25-month turnaround time that was the then-shortest production schedule in the history of car manufacturing....

Lincolnshire AD Plant To Go Ahead

Nov 15th 2022 West Lindsey District Council originally agreed to the site in 2020, but a legislation update meant the facility could no longer be subsidised if it does not use at least 50 per cent waste or residue feedstock in the plant, and the final decision needed county council approval. ...

How Is Biogas Produced?

Nov 14th 2022  ...

UK May Need More Storage Facilities As Fracking Ban Lifted

Oct 15th 2022 Nonetheless, the un-banning of fracking is still sure to face significant opposition from campaigners. The CPRE has dubbed the move “a hideous mistake”, while Friends of the Earth said fracking and handing out new North Sea oil and gas licences would “do nothing to tackle the root cause of the energy crisis”....

Plans For New Biogas Plant In Somerset Resubmitted

Sep 16th 2022  Take a look at pressure vacuum relief valves here. ...

Biofuels And The Environment

May 13th 2022 Biofuel on the other hand can be created at a far faster rate, therefore meaning it can be produced on demand and being that it is a renewable source of energy, has fewer lasting consequences for the environment. ...