Motherwell Tank Protection | latest News

Large Breather Valve Order, over 200 items

 Despite the slowdown in the economy, Motherwell Tank Protection are enjoying their best year ever!  Sales have been boosted by a 200+ valve order for a major European client.  The main driving factor to securing the project was the ability to complete such an order in an extremely short lead time.  This shows MTP’s flexibility and strong desire to meet customer requirements

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What Is Anaerobic Digestion?

Sep 16th 2020 A recent report from the Waste and Resources Action Programme (WRAP), reported on by the Guardian, revealed that although total food waste in the UK has been reduced by the evailent of seven per cent per person in the last three years, more must still be done to reduce the 4.5 million tonnes of food waste created annually....

#Buildbackbetter Post-Covid With Renewable Energy

Jul 6th 2020  A group of trade associations has written to chancellor Rishi Sunak, urging him to put renewable energy at the very heart of the UK’s green recovery plans post-Covid, making the case for this kind of energy generation to help address the recession caused by the outbreak, as well as the bigger issue of the climate crisis....

Irish Farmers ‘Must Be Given Renewable Incentives’

May 22nd 2020 It is important to the Irish economy that farmers are given incentives to invest in renewable technologies, such as anaerobic digestion (AD)....