Wastewater Relief Valves
Wastewater pressure Vacuum Relief Valves & Level Indicators
Manufacturers of wastewater valves for wastewater treatment plants, our wastewater valves are made from Aluminium, Carbon Steel and Stainless Steel – Available in dead-weight and Spring Loaded. MTP Opti-flow Series of direct acting wastewater valves are specially designed for wastewater treatment plants. Our wastewater valves have become the first choice supply for many companies in the water industry. We offer a free wastewater valve sizing service, give us your sizing detals and let us advise you on the best solution for you plant.
The wastewater valves is available in a number of combinations illustrated below. Click on any for more information
All of the above wastewater valve combinations are available in a range of sizes and can have flanged outlets or vent to atmosphere on both the pressure and vacuum ports depending upon your requirements.
These are some of the options available for our wastewater valves:
All our wastewater valves are certified and compliant with European ATEX and PED directives where applicable. Request a Quote for a wastewater valve below by clicking on the required configuration, or contact us for multiple configurations, let are trained staff advise you on valve type and sizing. The CNC 380 series of wastewater valve are available in a variety of configurations to ensure your requirements are met, these are illustrated below showing the pressure (Red) and vacuum(Blue) flows for each configuration. |